Chiropractic Testimonials
“For 2 years I was in very severe pain. I was tired all the time and was taking way too much ibuprofen to help me get through the day. I had tried other forms of chiropractic but found no relief. I was referred to Atlas Family Chiropractic by my sister and since beginning care here I am headache free!” —Jessie K, New York Mills, MN
“I used to get really bad headaches—to the point of tears. They would keep me from doing the activities I enjoyed to do. My previous experience with chiropractic would work for a couple days, but the pain would come back again a couple days later with no long term changes. Since starting care at Atlas Family Chiropractic, and getting my Atlas aligned correctly, I have no headaches and no ear or jaw pain and much less severe low back pain. I now go literally months at a time with out a single headache! I love this place and am so thankful for all they have done for me!”–Kayla W, Cold Spring, MN
“The reason for beginning care was migraine headaches. I had relentless pain to the point where I could not eat or sleep. They kept me from playing sports, socializing, etc. I had been to a neurologist for a few months, taking numerous medications that just didn't work. Now, after being under Dr. Kate's care for 2 months, my headaches have been reduced from everyday to once or twice every two weeks. My body feels better and I have more energy.” –Diana K., Cold Spring, MN
“I began care for several conditions. I have autism which has led to behavioral problems at school that were frustrating for my teachers, parents, and me. School personnel strongly suggested that I needed medication to keep me calm and avoid problem behaviors. My parents were very much trying to avoid medications, though they were tried with little change noted. Since being under Dr. Kate’s care, my teacher’s have reported a tremendous turn-a-round in my behaviors at school which coincided with beginning treatment at her office. My parents notice changes at home as well. I always enjoy coming to see Dr. Kate.” –Jordan E., Holdingford, MN
“I have had migraines since I was 12 or 13. They were awful and I would miss weeks of school at a time. I had been going to doctors for years and all they'd do is put me on more medication, which didn't help. I also had 2 cat scans and an MRI done. Since I have been under Dr. Kate's care, my headaches have gotten significantly better, and I don't miss much school anymore (which is good because I'm in college now). I actually feel good. The people are great and the care is wonderful!” –Stephanie H., Paynesville, MN
“I have battled with back problems almost every day for years, sometimes driving me to tears. I went to other chiropractors and they did help, but did not seem to get to the root of the problem. Since coming to Atlas Family Chiropractic, I have been feeling better and seem to be all-around more healthy.” –Joan K., Melrose, MN
“I had pain in the lower part of my back for 15 years of more. I did get previous chiropractic care but I didn't like the way I was cranked around, and didn't get very good results. Since being under Dr. Kate's care I am 100% better! I would recommend everyone to go to Dr. Kate and get checked. She and her staff are #1. I look forward to every visit.” –Randy T., Appleton, MN
“I began care with Dr. Kate hoping to improve my immune system. I had very poor digestion, drained energy levels, and could not sleep at night. Since beginning Dr. Kate's program I am physically better, losing 15 lbs. and I am more mentally positive, handling challenges with less stress. I appreciate the professional, kind, and caring atmosphere at Atlas Family Chiropractic. Thank you and God Bless!” –Glenn R., Benson, MN
“I began chiropractic care because my mom told me Dr. Kate might be able to help me. I have had headaches for over a year. Since being under care, I hardly ever have headaches any more. And if I do, it's usually because my atlas is out.” –Katie W., Albany, MN
“I began care because of neck, shoulder and back pain. My arms would also go to sleep and I had a hard time walking on my right foot. My arms falling asleep kept me up at night as well as the pain so I took lots of ibuprofen. I had seen other chiropractors, but didn't get much better. Also, some doctors even talked about surgery on my back and foot. Since being under Dr. Kate's care, I am doing alot better. My arms do not go to sleep and my neck and shoulder pain have gotten much better. Dr, Kate knows her stuff. If she is stumped, she will research and find out about the problem. She's here to make you healthy. I look forward to a treatment because you feel good and you feel better about yourself.” –Julie T., Appleton, MN
“I had high blood pressure for 2-3 years. I really wanted to get off my blood pressure medication. I also had to lose weight and eat better and get more exercise. Since being under care, I eat better, get plenty of exercise, and now take supplements for my blood pressure. Being adjusted regularly has also really helped my overall health. I am very satisfied with the care I have received.” –JoAnne S.,Cold Spring, MN
“My reason for beginning care was chronic nerve pain due to an accident. I had severe pain in my back, which stopped me from my daily walk, which made me irritable, affecting my relationships. I heard Dr. Kate on the radio and decided to try her. I am a believer now! It was a slow process as Dr. Kate said it would be. It was a steady uphill struggle, but I am in better tune of my body, thanks to her. She has helped me enormously!” –Linda F., Albany, MN
“When I would get bad headaches I would end up just laying in bed otherwise I would feel like throwing up. I had gone to other chiropractors in the past but they just snapped my back and sent me off. I didn't feel like I was better. Since being under Dr. Kate's care, the only time that I get headaches is when my atlas is out, which amounts to every 1-2 months. I also don't get colds or sick very often anymore. My back pain is now down to a minimum. Every time I come people are in a good mood and you leave feeling better. I am glad I came across Dr. Kate. Thank you!” –Tracy H., Bowlus, MN
"I started care with Dr. Kate for back and neck pain that I had dealt with for over a year. My back was always hurting and it was hard to lift my left leg when climbing stairs. Since seeing Dr. Kate, I seldom have back or neck pain unless my spine is out of alignment, which is about once every few weeks." –Sharon W., Albany, MN
“My reason for beginning care with Dr. Kate was when my surgeon and doctor said I would not be able to use my right shoulder as I once had due to an injury in June of 2005. The pain was so great that I could not work. I felt helpless and wondered what I could do to support myself. I had little or no hope that I'd ever use my right arm/shoulder again. I was even trying to train my left arm to do things I depended on the right arm to do. I had never gone to a chiropractor before, but my parents who heard Dr. Kate on the radio urged me to at least give it a try and see if there was any help for this. What a difference it has made to take the first step of coming to the free class and learning about my body's make up and healing potential! I am amazed that in less than 3 months of being at Atlas Family Chiropractic, the shoulder no longer gives me trouble. I've been using the arm and shoulder with greater range of motion than even before the injury. It's powerful and encouraging to know God has created our bodies to heal themselves–we just have to get the barriers and interferences out of the way. Truly this has changed my life. The staff has been so encouraging in helping me on this journey to wellness for my whole body. Thank you for believing in and with me for what God designed for good.” –Jacqueline S., Sauk Centre, MN
“I started care at Atlas Family Chiropractic for my lower back. It hurt so much that I was unable to sleep at night, causing me to be fatigued all the time. I did not have positive results from other chiropractors, but after hearing a presentation by Dr. Kate, I decided to to give her a try and it has helped alot! I can think straight, because I don't hurt near as much. I feel much better too because I am able to sleep at night. The staff at Atlas Family Chiropractic really know how to welcome and cheer a person up”. –Bernie I., St. Joseph, MN
“My reason for beginning care was for Trigeminal Neuralgia that came back after I had surgery in 2003. It was very painful. I could not move my mouth without pain, so I lost alot of weight due to not being able to eat. I did not go anywhere as the pain came at anytime. Since being under Dr. Kate's care my Trigeminal Neuralgia has greatly improved. I can eat anything again and the numbness on my tongue and lips are mostly gone. Dr. Kate and her staff are very friendly. She has helped me so much–I would recommend her to anyone.” –Alda Mae M., New Munich, MN
“I had lower and upper back pain and constant headaches. At my worst I would do the daily farm chores and then come in the house and not be able to do any other projects, etc. I had gone to another chiropractor for the pain, but it always came back. Now, being under Dr. Kate's care, I know keeping my atlas in has made the most difference. I have also learned the importance of continued care. After taking suggestions to change my diet and do cleanses when needed, I have felt much better physically and also feel better about my overall health.” –Virginia K., Burtrum, MN
“For many years I had back problems. I did find some relief from other chiropractors, but didn't like the cracking of my back. Since being under Dr. Kate's care I am alot healthier and have less back pain. The pain is not as bad as it was and I'm not as stiff anymore.” –Ron D., Albany, MN
“My reason for starting care with Dr. Kate was that I had very bad headaches to the point where I would hold my head so still that my neck and shoulders would hurt also. There hasn't been any other chiropractor that has been able to get rid of the headaches. Since being under Dr. Kate's care my headaches are still there, but they have become less intense. Dr. Kate is great and is really trying hard to help improve my quality of life.”–Deb S., Albany, MN
“I began care with Dr. Kate because I was curious about her different technique. For over 30 years I had severe pain almost constantly. I had limited range of motion and sometimes woke up several times at night due to pain. Since being under Dr. Kate's care, I have actually been able to decrease medication for high blood pressure by one-half. I feel more aware of what my body is now telling me and how it is functioning. One can never be down after an office visit because Dr. Kate and her staff are always upbeat!” –Joyce E., Holdingford, MN
“I had neck pain, hip pain, headaches, PMS symptoms, chemical sensitivities, and fatigue over the last five years. These health problems made me very irritable and sometimes I had to stay in bed to cope. My previous chiropractic care gave me short term relief of symptoms, my life was still limited. Since being under “atlas” care, I have experienced improvements in every area of my health and continue to see more results with wellness care. I really appreciate the specialized education and whole person care offered by Dr. Kate.”–Lisa Y., St. Cloud, MN
“The reason I began care at Atlas Family Chiropractic was for back pain, neck pain, and headaches that I battled with almost a year and a half. They were extremely painful as I did my daily chores and had to rest. My previous experience with chiropractic was limited relief. Since being under Dr. Kate's care, I am more active and ambitious and I can sit in the tractor and drive skid loader without hurting.” –Nick W., Belgrade, MN
“I had headaches, imbalance, and an occasional slip-out in lower back that I struggled with for years. My headaches were a daily occurrence and interfered with my quality of life in a big way, especially in patience with my kids and enjoyment of life in general. I didn't “believe” in chiropractors until my back went out and the medical doctor couldn't get me in for 6 weeks! Since starting with Atlas Family Chiropractic, I have been an instant believer. Not only did my back get fixed, but my headaches are almost eliminated. I've seen improvement in my balance and I just enjoy life more–even my family has noticed a big change in my attitude. The staff is the greatest–just coming in brightens my day and makes my body feel and function better!” –Jenny E., Cold Spring, MN
“My reason for beginning care was for pain in my left knee, right hip, low back, upper back spasms, and neck pain, and the symptoms have been increasing the last 6 years. The past care I received was cracking and twisting of the neck, and it did seem to work to alleviate the pain temporarily. Since beginning care at Atlas Family Chiropractic I feel great and feel the progress of the “total spine alignment.” My back, hip, and neck pain is greatly improved! My atlas has held for 2 months now. Yeah! Dr. Kate and her staff teach and inform you of chiropractic care and wellness programs and help you feel relaxed and educated in your total wellness care.” –Joanne D., Richmond, MN
Monday | 8:30am - 5:00pm |
Tuesday | 8:30am - 5:00pm |
Wednesday | 8:30am - 5:00pm |
Thursday | 8:30am - 5:00pm |
Friday | 8:30am - 1:00pm |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
268 2nd Avenue S
Waite Park, MN 56387